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Alternative Load/Pump Split - Printable Version

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Alternative Load/Pump Split - Muscle-Addict83 - 01-13-2016

Scott -

I've always thought there was benefit in hitting the whole body more often as you talk about in your ebook. One of my favorite splits for this in the past has been a 2 day Push/Pull split. This got me thinking about your load and pump days. Even though they're already full day workouts, what are your thoughts on splitting load sets like this:

Pump: Back, Bis, Tris, Abs, Calves

Back Width
Back Thickness
Pump: Chest, Shoulders, Quads

Also, what do you think about changing the order of Day 1 and Day 2 using the split you have laid out in the ebook?

RE: Alternative Load/Pump Split - Scott Stevenson - 01-13-2016

(01-13-2016, 05:47 AM)Muscle-Addict83 Wrote: Scott -

I've always thought there was benefit in hitting the whole body more often as you talk about in your ebook. One of my favorite splits for this in the past has been a 2 day Push/Pull split. This got me thinking about your load and pump days. Even though they're already full day workouts, what are your thoughts on splitting load sets like this:

Pump: Back, Bis, Tris, Abs, Calves

Back Width
Back Thickness
Pump: Chest, Shoulders, Quads

Also, what do you think about changing the order of Day 1 and Day 2 using the split you have laid out in the ebook?

I think that sounds generally doable.

I'd put chest before shoulders on Day 1

I'd maybe not squat every workout, but rotate in different compound thigh exercises. Squatting each time might preclude heavy rack deads, BO rows SLDL varieties to the extent you might want.

Also, I'd put hams after back, unless you're really trying to bring them up. (Simply b/c you want a strong posterior chain for heavy back work and fatigued hamstrings can make rack deads and BO rows feel awkward.

Check p. 101 of the book r.e. switching days.

If you do that, I'd do Day 2, Day 1, Day 4, Day 3.

(I list some other options in the book there for customizing the program.)


RE: Alternative Load/Pump Split - Muscle-Addict83 - 01-15-2016

Yeah, I meant quads, not just squats. And yes, I'm really trying to bring up my hams while back tends to be a stronger bodypart for me.

RE: Alternative Load/Pump Split - Muscle-Addict83 - 01-16-2016

Yeah, I meant quads not squats. I'll check that page. Thanks!