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Insulin mimicking suplements - Printable Version

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Insulin mimicking suplements - kahlis - 09-15-2016

How do you feel about them??

A new thing to me and they just coming to the shops in Finland. A good thing or a bad thing??

They'r supposed to sensitise the insuline reseptors helping the nutrients get to the musclecells.

RE: Insulin mimicking suplements - Scott Stevenson - 09-15-2016

(09-15-2016, 02:01 AM)kahlis Wrote: How do you feel about them??

A new thing to me and they just coming to the shops in Finland. A good thing or a bad thing??

They'r supposed to sensitise the insuline reseptors helping the nutrients get to the musclecells.

These are mostly acting as activators of AMPK, meaning they are turning on the cellular energy demand sensing machinery, which turns off the protein synthetic machinery.

With enough anabolic drive from food, etc., they can help with body composition, but can lead to a flatter physique (less glycogen) and potentially inhibit muscle gain (b/c of countering protein synthesis).

So, use would be circumstantial, e.g., for someone who's putting the pedal to the metal as far as anabolism or for someone who is carbing up heavily,(e.g., before a show), esp. if under a time constraint. (They tend to help minimize "spilling over" (watery appearance) with a heavy carb-up, which suggests they are aiding in glycogen storage).
