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Modification to make FT work for me
This is a continuation of a topic in the "Introduce yourself:..." thread.

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I trained Fortitude training for around 18 weeks last year without much progress (nor regress - just plain stall). Here I will mention what I believe to be the root causes and my modifications / mitigations for my renewed FT efforts that started just before Christmas.


1) It was at the end of, and in the immediate aftermath of a long cut (almost 9 months, 13 kgs and approx 8 % body fat). Even though I was at maintenance during around 2/3 of the 18 week run, it is a bad starting point for a progressive overload program. This is the most important factor, and the one I am most certain about.

2) I did not get Muscle rounds working very well for me. This is a feeling I have, but I am very uncertain about it.

3) I think it works better for me to not rotate the loading set excercises every week.


1) I have had a slow weight gain and plan to alternate gaining phases with short effective cuts when estimated body fat hits the 15% ceiling. So my plan is to avoid the need of this long type of cut again. Of course progress will be hampered by the cuts, but not for such extended periods of time

2) At the start I am doing sets with rep interval intermediate to loading and pump set as replacement, and will then attempt to re-introduce Muscle rounds - perhaps with more suitable equipment/excercises since I now train some times outside my home gym with access to machines

3) Instead I try to run with a grouping of loading set excercises per blast, rest from it during cruise, and then replace excercises as needed for the next blast.

Other notes
Since I really enjoyed the full body aspect, I am trying the turbo version with training day every other day, thus slightly reducing frequency and increasing rest time. If I feel I cant recover I will not hesitate to go to basic version on every other day basis. I always start at Tier 1, cautiously try to increase and I don't hesitate to go down in tiers when I feel beaten up.

Generally my diet is in a good place, though there might be a place for some quite minor improvements. I work on improving my sleep as much as I can given my external constraints.

Supplement usage
Pump pre-workout, sometimes with caffeine added
Intraworkout shake with carbs and EAA or hydrolysed whey
Vitamin D

I get most protein and nutrients from varied good quality whole foods, though I fortify some meals with protein powder (mainly my breakfast outmeal)
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