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Intensive Cruise
I'm about to start week six, all six weeks were basic with the first three being tier 2, the last three will be tier 3.

I plan on doing the same for the next blast. With that should I use tier 1 or 2 for the cruise?
(08-18-2014, 10:32 PM)dens228 Wrote: I'm about to start week six, all six weeks were basic with the first three being tier 2, the last three will be tier 3.

I plan on doing the same for the next blast. With that should I use tier 1 or 2 for the cruise?

Whatever feels right. If Tier III was (you wrote "will be" above) a good fit for your recovery abilities, I'd go with Tier II more than likely.



Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Got it. This blast and the next one will be the same, 3 weeks of Tier 2, then 3 weeks of Tier 3.

I'll use Tier 2 MR's for the cruise.
On the topic of intensive cruises I just wanted to double check that I'm interpreting this correctly. Am I right that I do MRs for each of the four days' workouts across the week? Or do I just drop two of the workouts completely (the loading day workouts) and only do the MR workouts, so only train twice over the week?

(08-22-2014, 05:53 AM)skinnyrunt Wrote: Hi,
On the topic of intensive cruises I just wanted to double check that I'm interpreting this correctly. Am I right that I do MRs for each of the four days' workouts across the week? Or do I just drop two of the workouts completely (the loading day workouts) and only do the MR workouts, so only train twice over the week?


MR's only.

Duration of Cruise depends on duration of blast. Frequency depends on you.


Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
One more workout and it's time to cruise. I'm going to do two days of Tier 1, two days of Tier 2 over the two week cruise.

Then my next blast I'm going Tier wise.............II, III, III, II, III, III
My solidifying of my peri-workout shake may allow me to do more weeks of Tier 3 but this blast the third week ground me up a bit.
I don't know if it caused my cold or my cold caused me to feel this

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