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General questions (flexibility, mobility, prep, etc.)
(05-04-2016, 01:23 AM)Scott Stevenson Wrote: Glad you're doing well with this! It's a bit of a gamble to switch training at this point, so you'll have to be careful to adjust diet, etc. accordingly.

(Gaining weight or losing weight less slowly might be possible with what you're saying about strength if you happen to gain a bit of muscle. This is possible in a hypo caloric state.)

So for my questions:

I'd ask why you're doing all this foam rolling, etc, in the first place.

Secondarily, what stimulus *during prep* is going to help the most with your physique, i.e., is this stretching necessary for injury prevention or what have you.

If it's just tight (and not painful), I'd (personally) stretch it to remedy that and be careful of any accommodation during your training (imbalances) that might make you prone to injury.

Otherwise, I'd check with a local practitioner - someone who does ART would be a good find, IMO.

There are good comments in this thread already on when / how to Blast / Cruise. You'll need to cruise over the course of this 9 weeks most likely. I address what to do dietarily in the FAQ at the end of the book.

See bolded. Smile

See bolded above. (Seriously - a good coach should give you some thought on how to do this, IMO. )

I think you're going to do quite well after the show if motivation stays high like it is now. Smile Smile Smile


Thanks for all the responses everyone and think I am doing well. Coach actually wants me to move to Keto so I will just be following that until he says otherwise.

As for stretching and foam rolling I am a very tight wound up person with bad mobility I would say. I feel like a robot in movements and looking to be more functional. My muscles feel so bound up so was hoping foam rolling was going to help. Do you think it's overkill to foam roll every night before bed just for injury prevention and mobility purposes? I am feeling a ton better doing it nightly but don't know the science behind it because you hear so many different opinions from different people. What's best way to utilize foam roller such as how many days a week or best time to do it, etc.?

I think the stretching is mostly for injury prevention and to help me with my squats because I always have a hard time getting ass to grass.

Motivation is super high and will stay that way. Like I said other than hamstring by body feels worked but not over killed if that makes sense!


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RE: General questions (flexibility, mobility, prep, etc.) - by Aros2291 - 05-04-2016, 04:08 AM

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