10-22-2016, 12:56 PM
I recently bought the eBook and have been reading through it, watching the videos and reading the related articles. This book is extremely well written, detailed with a plethora of great information. The training system is unlike anything I've ever seen, taking the best of dc training and adding some great hypertrophy building aspects. The tiers make this plan easy to adjust according to progress and recovery. It makes it easy to program your deload, because its already set up for you. I have done some of Scott'sFT techniques such as 5s in the hole and muscle rounds in the past and loved them, but finally decide to commit to the entire program. The nutrition section of the eBook is phenominal, and has answered some questions about peri workout that I have had for a long time because I am a night trainer. the science through this book is very dense, but Scott makes it easy to understand and apply. The last thing I really liked was the page of links to Scott's articles, that was like icing on the cake. I have never paid for a training program before, but I can honestly say it was worth every penny. I really want to make one of the training camps at some point, if only they had them in New York!