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Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please...
Hey everyone,

After listening to Muscle Minds for quite some time, I decided to have a look more in depth into FT.

Met Scott on Sunday at Bodypower by chance as he as waiting for his round table Q and A ( I was the scottish guy Scott lol )

After a long chat and some awesome stories from a seriously humble guy I just had to join, download the e-book and try and progress.

Now I am probably going to confuse everyone with using kilograms etc in any logs I decide to do Wink I am trying to plan out my first week at the moment after reading some of the logs and ready to get going. Will be hard for me to bring the training days down to only 4 as I'm a complete addict to the gym. Currently finished competing for this year in Physique/Fitness Model with quite a few trophies and now looking to step up to Bodybuilding in a year or so's time. So really looking to grow like crazy and add to my weak points.

Sitting around 90kg at the moment which is about 200lbs and still very lean at 6 foot. So lets see what happens in the next year before I decide to cut for a comp again!


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RE: Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please... - by Sanchez1888 - 05-16-2017, 07:07 AM

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