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Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please...
(05-23-2017, 02:12 PM)0biJu@n71 Wrote: Hi everyone, my name is Juan Llamas

I'm 45 years old, even do I'm not strange to excercise I am new to bodybuilding and even do I have been lifting in a more continuous way since 2012 I believe I'm still light years away from many of you, specially Dr. Stevenson BrokenHearted

Nevertheless a few years ago my age has started getting a hold of me and I've been more pron to injury, feel fatigue and etc, etc, etc... Had a test done and my Test came back under 138 which I know is way below the standard, I could not find any help from an specialist my family doctor sent me to so I got me some <EDITED BY SCOTT> hoping this will help me get over the hump...

Also been having more problems loosing fat an been slowly but steadily been trying to revert it by trying some diets and hopefully achieve a better body composition. I like to lift weight and I wish I could say I'm strong as a bull, but that is not the case, my hopes by applying Dr Stevenson program is to achieve more strength, hopefully in more definitive way that I have not been able to achieve by myself.

I live in Mesquite,TX

Thanks for your time.

Hey Obi!


Wow - I'm amazed the "specialist" you were sent to couldn't help you out. I'm guessing you're about 45 from your userid. I'd go for a 2nd opinion on that, given your test. levels and age.

(BTW, I edited your post. No point in incriminating yourself here on the board. We can and do discussion topics of a medical nature, but I like to avoid disclosure of illegal acts. I made a presumption about what you posted, of course, as I know folks who live in TX can indeed cross the Mexican board on a regular basis for self-administered TRT, and do nothing illegal in doing so. If you like, start a thread on the topic of your situation. Smile )


Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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RE: Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please... - by Scott Stevenson - 05-23-2017, 11:36 PM

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