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Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please...
Hello All,

I'm new to the forums, but have been using some of the FT training schemes for myself and my client's for about a year now. That being said, I'm NOT a prep coach, only a guy involved in fitness that some people requested to hire for some direction and accountability (a.k.a. an online coach). I'm also a personal trainer and fitness instructor as a side vocation, but I pay the bills with a corporate job.

I'm currently on week 6 of my second round of the No Show No Go Schedule, but have been playing with a few things recently to see how they work with the program depending on focus. (i.e. doing 2 a day's using Smolov Jr. schedule for strength development on Bench and Over Head Press as workout 1, and then cutting either the chest or Pressing Portion of the shoulder workout from the FT schedule when I come in for my second workout).

I've found the FT Model invaluable for many of my clients and love the fact that my body isn't cycling through which joints are compromised. I decided to get into the forums to see if I could learn as much as I could from other's experiences along the way. Thanks in advance for sharing the information about your experiences, pitfalls, and recommendations on what you've found works for you and your goals along the way.

That all being said, my stats are:
-200-205 sitting at roughly 8-9% (last confirmed via DEXA @ 9.8 2 mo ago when I was a little looser)
-Former Nat Qual'd NPC MP, but have taken the last 2 years off to try and work up to CP.
-Currently coachless to try my hand at self-guidance, but have worked with Shane Heugly for prep and Allen Cress for recomp.

Sorry for the wall of text, but I think that covers it.

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RE: Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please... - by RXLovesFitness - 06-23-2017, 03:20 AM

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