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(01-29-2018, 08:16 AM)Scott Stevenson Wrote: I love this post! Smile

Now that you're blasting again, and coming around to your Loading Set exercises again, what kind of strength gains have you seen?... Smile


Thanks Scott!

As you know I'm only a year back into lifting (no pro BB just a weekend warrior) and smallish numbers will reflect this as will progress. These are results from loading days.

Back Squat: pre FT 90kgs - now 100kgs
Deadlift: pre FT 90kgs - now 102.5kgs
B/O row: pre FT 70kgs - now 80kgs
Incline Bench: pre FT 70kgs - now 77.5kgs
DB shoulder press: pre FT 22kgs per side - now - 26kgs per side
Leg Press: pre FT 190 kgs - now 210kgs

RE: progression from first to second blast: I'm either upping the weight slightly by 2.5kgs or increasing reps prior to increasing weight. Not plateauing on any exercise so no need to change.

Funnily enough Scott I'm down from 73kgs to 71kgs since starting FT but my physique has hardened up and filled out a bit. FYI: Feels great to be part of the FT community. I'm in awe of the knowledge on show here.

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RE: Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please... - by Karl Topham - 01-29-2018, 08:34 AM

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