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Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please...
(02-14-2018, 04:07 AM)Jackedsquirrel Wrote: Hello All,

My name Joel and I am going to be 41 here shortly. I am a lifelong lifter (started too young at 11-12) who grew up in the shadow of an uncle that was going pro in bodybuilding. I took a hiatus from lifting regularly during much of grad school and I am now a teaching economist (college level), with seven kids and a wife.

Like many I weigh too much (and then some) and I have been lifting a lot of volume as I get older to keep from getting too heavy on my lifts (really trying to avoid joint problems, but it has not been working). I hired a well know nutritionist (BB and General Pop) to work with me last year and had some success losing weight, but not a lot. It seems the second I let off the pedal on dropping calories that my body craves to go higher (without actually adding calories back in). On the nutritionist suggestion, I looked at the volume of my training (he suggested I am doing too much) and tried out a few things before FT.

I purchased the book (and subscribed) three months ago and have now run two rounds of FT. I have been happy with the book (best fitness purchase yet) and the program (for the most part). After using too much volume for decades it is nice to use a program and just do it (quicker in the gym too).

Thanks Scott for the resources and the help (vids are awesome). You do make a difference and I am glad to see that you seem to have not sold out.


Joel - THANK YOU for that!

Did your fat loss pick up now that you've been doing FT?... (How 'bout the joints?... )

Glad you like the IG vids. Smile (I get shit now n' again b/c folks sometimes presume that all I do is "trick" exercise... LOL)

Not selling out, man. I'm not pretty enough to make that happen anyway, plus I like to think I've got too much good info. to get out there to spend time with fluffy stuff.

As an aside, I had someone troll me pretty hard on IG, calling me a "money grabber" b/c I charge for the website. It dawned on me that my strategy of the dime a day membership, which is free if you've bought the e-book has worked REALLY well to keep the trolls out! (I think some of it too is that discussion boards are dying a bit, which is a shame b/c I think they're far superior to FB and IG as far as conveying info.)

Welcome, Joel!


Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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RE: Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please... - by Scott Stevenson - 02-15-2018, 12:05 AM

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