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(02-17-2018, 01:36 AM)Scott Stevenson Wrote: Hey Karl,

Well, despite how folks generally refer to SARMs (and MK677), as far as I know, they aren't legally for sale for personal use (in the US), so I'm not going to dip into that.

Frankly, in line with my "get the most from the least" philosophy, it sounds like you've got more gains to be had before you were to start either of those.

AFAIK, all SARMS will disrupt the HPTA to some degree, so given your age, you may be more prone to a compound-induced hypogonadism if you were to use a SARM, meaning you'd need some sort of PCT after using ostarine, for instance. There is a lot of variability in this. If you're eugonadal (testosterone levels are normal), you'd be less likely to benefit (but this would favor your HPTA being able to come back).

So, I'd just keep eeking out gains with what you're doing for now, my man.

[As an aside MK-677 can cause significant water retention in some folks (dose dependent) and its effects on GH output wane over the course of a couple weeks, so that might not fit with what you were planning for your bulking period, if you were hoping for a clean / dry bulk, so to speak. Smile ]


Thanks for taking the time to answer my question Scott. Looks more trouble than it's worth I've got plenty of that as it is! Things are going in the right direction so I'll stick to what's working.

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RE: Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please... - by Karl Topham - 02-17-2018, 06:01 AM

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