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Help Sumo / Conventional Deadlifts in the Program?
For some reason the app I primarily use for this forum doesn't seem to have a functioning search function, but I realized I can search from the website on my phone, and have found a ton more answers / knowledge, so I'll definitely be using that a lot moreso!

Thanks for clearing this up for me! I actually got super excited to workout today and did lower muscle rounds before I saw your comment (I saw your comment while halfway through quad pump) and did sumo deadlifts for muscle rounds. I noticed that I had less back pain while doing the muscle rounds than even just doing warm ups. I think this relates back to what PScarb was talking about on muscle minds latest episode (fantastic episode as usual BTW, this is actually what inspired me to try FT again!) about how doing higher reps would cause his issues to flare up, but the 4 rep sets in MR wouldn't. This kind of ties into another question; how would you recommend warming up for MR? Would you recommend doing some lower rep sets, or some higher rep sets, or both? (IE higher rep in the beginning then going to lower reps, then doing the MR)

Also, on loading days, would you recommend doing conventional deadlift on back thickness days? I'm more of a sumo puller anyways so I could keep these out if you'd think that I'd be aggravating my lower back with too much deadlifting (sumo + SLDL/RDL + conventional + maybe trap bar might be a bit much, but they're all fun!)

I just want to say that I had one of the BEST workouts in a LONG time. I couldn't believe how intense it was, and it just felt super effective. Walking up 9 floors to my dorm room was a little harder than usual after Smile

I actually tried FT before for a week and made all the common mistakes (not enough / no warmups, not having a high enough intensity / really pushing it to absolute failure on the sets that require it, jumping into T2 volume instead of starting at T1, etc). But after doing some more research and listening to you and PScarb talk about FT moreso, I definitely think I'm catching on, and will love FT and see some great progress.

Thanks again!

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RE: Sumo / Conventional Deadlifts in the Program? - by urogenitalsubsection - 04-30-2018, 03:21 AM

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