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Pump sets/ Muscle rounds and the logbook
I’ve decided to use Fortitude training for this offseason, up until now I’ve been doing P/P/L focusing on progressive overload with 3 variations and logbooking everything.

I’m on week 5 of Basic Tier 2, and as brutal as I’m finding it I feel the changes to my physique and muscle mass are already evident.

My question relates to the logbooking aspect of things. I know that the loading sets are really what need to be logbooked and progressed over time. I really want to embrace the ‘on the fly’ aspect of pump sets and M/Rs, bit having logbooking everything for years I’m finding it hard to to do this!

In my mind, if I don’t logbook the pump sets, having such a crappy memory I feel like I won’t know whether I’m using a suitable weight for these. So the obvious thing is to logbook these pump sets so I know where I’m at the next time I come to them....but then I feel like that takes away from the ‘intuitive’ or ‘on the fly’ aspect.

Would be interesting to hear how everyonde goes about logging or not logging their pump sets and Muscle Rounds? (Yes, OCD is getting he better of me here!)


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Pump sets/ Muscle rounds and the logbook - by Imperial1281 - 05-15-2018, 05:16 AM

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