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Pump sets/ Muscle rounds and the logbook
I log everything. But only for reference for pump sets. Typical I have 3 or 4 “go to” MRs that I know work best for me. So I hit the gym and tend to have a general idea of what I want to do, and then just refer back to my MR pool to see about what I will be aiming for as the training session develops, based on few and what is open. Pump sets are typically the same but again only for reference. Focus there is purely on “feel”

I will add that with some experience you get a vey good feel for what a MR rep should feel like and can intuitively select the weight for a given lift. Much in the same way you generally have a feel for what a 10 rep set should feel like. Also for pump sets I have always found that many times I wished I had not gone so heavy, but almost never wished I had gone lighter. So take that into consideration. For myself pump sets really seem to shine when it have to push past a mental barrier instead of physically one.

Hope this helps Smile

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RE: Pump sets/ Muscle rounds and the logbook - by Altamir - 05-15-2018, 06:55 PM

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