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Lifetime Natural currently 33 years of age living in the U.K. I was using MD training prior to switching to DC about 7 months ago, i've made more progress muscle wise on DC in the past 7 months than i have from the previous 3 years of "volume based" training. I started reading about Athur Jones/Elington Darden prior to starting DC as i'd never monitored any kind of failure points or trained to what I believe is real failure.

I soaked up all the info on intensemuscle and read everything from Scott and Dante. The reason for switching to FT is because I started to feel really rundown and didn't really enjoy going to the gym on DC anymore....lack of pump from chasing the weight led to a lack of mind muscle connection as i was constantly chasing the logbook. However, i'm more concerned with muscular gain than enjoyment in the gym so i'm hoping that because Scott has been down the same route with DC that FT will plug the holes that DC is missing (although I can't recommend it highly enough) in terms of using higher rep pump style work and the CNS management caused by multiple failure points every workout.

I'm a week into my first blast after a deload from DC and am starting with tier 1. I have some initial thoughts on how I can alter the program to fit my needs (You haven't even started why are you thinking about altering!?) relating to Arms and how well they responded to rest pause on DC but also managing CNS. My initial thoughts are that I might end up changing one of the muscle rounds for triceps to a rest pause set dc style, and possibly one of the biceps but i'm going to give it a couple of weeks AS IS before doing any kind of tinkering.

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RE: Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please... - by hicksy_ian - 06-21-2018, 09:19 PM

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