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general question about Fortitude Training
Hey guys,

I just wanted to make sure that I understood everything right.

I want to use Turbo Tier I or Tier II.

And I would like to switch the first two days, because my Upper Body is not as strong as my Lower Body. (Would this be okay?)

In Turbo Tier I (for example on Lower Body Loading) I would go Thigh (V-Squat for ex.) to failure - pause 2 minutes - go quad iso - pause 2 minutes - go ham iso - and then go on from there(?).

In Turbo Tier II (for example on Upper Body Loading) I would go Back first set - no failure - 1:30 rest - chest first set - no failure - 1:30 rest - delts first set - no failure - 1:30 rest - back second set - no failure - 1:30 rest - chest second set - failure - 1:30 rest - delts second set - failure - 1:30 rest - back third set - failure (?).

How would I go on with the Pump Sets for Lower Body?
Superset the compound with quad iso - rest 1 minute - superset compound with ham iso?

On MR days (3 and 4) why are some of the "1-2x MR" in bold and some not?



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general question about Fortitude Training - by TankDawg - 08-28-2018, 05:28 PM

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