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general question about Fortitude Training
(08-28-2018, 05:28 PM)TankDawg Wrote: Hey guys,

I just wanted to make sure that I understood everything right.

I want to use Turbo Tier I or Tier II.

And I would like to switch the first two days, because my Upper Body is not as strong as my Lower Body. (Would this be okay?)

What are you "switching?"...

Quote:In Turbo Tier I (for example on Lower Body Loading) I would go Thigh (V-Squat for ex.) to failure - pause 2 minutes - go quad iso - pause 2 minutes - go ham iso - and then go on from there(?).

The below question makes be ask what "go on from there" means...

Quote:In Turbo Tier II (for example on Upper Body Loading) I would go Back first set - no failure - 1:30 rest - chest first set - no failure - 1:30 rest - delts first set - no failure - 1:30 rest - back second set - no failure - 1:30 rest - chest second set - failure - 1:30 rest - delts second set - failure - 1:30 rest - back third set - failure (?).

I would re-read the section on Loading sets and look at the example figures in the book.

The Loading Sets for a muscle group are done sequentially (e.g., all back sets), then you do a back stretch and then yo move on to the next muscle group.

Quote:How would I go on with the Pump Sets for Lower Body?
Superset the compound with quad iso - rest 1 minute - superset compound with ham iso?

I would check the figures in the book. Smile (Those are more clear than what I'd right here.

Quote:On MR days (3 and 4) why are some of the "1-2x MR" in bold and some not?

That's generally to bring to your attention that there is a change in the # of MR's for that muscle group compared to the other Tiers, or that it differs from the Basic Version. There are no magical details in the bold vs non-bolded text, except that I bolded some of those to be sure that folks paid attention there (and provide some reading contrast). The asterisks, scattered throughout the Overview Sheets do have notes in the Legend that are important.


Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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RE: general question about Fortitude Training - by Scott Stevenson - 08-28-2018, 11:27 PM

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