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Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please...
(10-12-2018, 11:29 PM)Scott Stevenson Wrote: Tye,


You are the ultimate approval point in your program, really, but no, there isn't a "check my FT Layout" thread. Folks just make their own thread if they need some help with laying out the program.

I will caution you though, that just plopping your entire FT layout into a thread doesn't typically invite a lot of responses, from what i've seen. (It doesn't show a lot of effort relative to what someone would have to give back to offer a full response.)

Better to ask some pointed questions about anything that's unclear to you, at least to grease the wheels. (I don't get the sense that you'd do this at all, but when folks ask things like, "the book says XYZ, so is XYZ right?... I just want to be sure," this also tends to be met with crickets.. LOL Wink )


Haha, understood! I'll start a topic with help i need on two things. I have read the book that much now i think i basically have it all covered. Done a first trial day today of muscle rounds and really enjoyed it, forgot the stretching on a few exercises though. Just going to take some time easing in and getting in a groove.

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RE: Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please... - by tye_89 - 10-13-2018, 04:17 PM

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