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Hello everybody!

I’ve recently bought both fortitude training and BYOBBC, while I love to lift I also do mma after reading through the books I see some things I can definitely use now and in the future. I was curious if you(Dr. Stevenson) had worked with anyone doing MMA. I already use nutrient timing which I find very beneficial. Do you think your water manipulation strategy would work for someone in a situation where I’d want to make weight then quickly put the weight back on? I know the book said if you are to flat going into the manipulation it could not work so that is what I am concerned with. I don’t have anything in the immediate future and definitely would run a trial. But was just curious if you had any experience or small tips on things you would change!

Thanks in advance!!

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Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please... - by kmcgehee23 - 07-21-2019, 06:10 AM

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