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Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please...
Hi guys

Thought I would introduce myself - I actually bought the Fortitude ebook back in 2016 and to my shame only now am I finally getting around to trying out the program properly.

A bit about me - I'm 41 (well for a few more weeks...) from the UK and have been training off and on for 15 years or so (never particularly seriously I should add) .

Currently hovering around 210lbs but to be anywhere near lean I would say I'd need to get down closer to 185.

Generally I've followed a PPL routine, with a few periods of bro splits when my work schedule permitted. More recently I've dipped into full body and upper/lower splits (taking inspiration from JP's posts), and more importantly documenting my progress which led to me revisiting Fortitude.

I'll admit I felt lost at first trying to understand the system but I'm gradually getting there. I'm 3 weeks into my first blast following the 3 day variation from the book - starting at Tier 1 but feeling ready to move onto Tier 2.

Some of the concepts are still a bit fuzzy, for example zig zagging - I'll set up a log and post
my routine there, (I'll come back and edit this post to add the link). If anyone could take a look
at my proposed schedule and offer any advice that would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and I look forward to participating in the forums

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Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please... - by Brizo - 08-13-2019, 01:07 AM

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