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Protein pulsing with FT!!??
(01-20-2020, 07:46 AM)duchaine Wrote: Hi Sr Scott,
I was looking about your opinion on fasting and I found this old topic. I think it is worthing start from here instead open a new one.

During the last couple of years, several researches have showed the health benefits of fasting. The big public seems to give a lot of attention to fasting (one of the latest best seller, for example, is book written by David Sinclair where he points out the anti aging properties of fasting).

As a Fitness maniac, my big concern whit fasting is related to MPS. As we know, MPS stay elevated just for a day or so after training. Sure, we can optimize the anabolic response to training having a good peri-workout nutrition but I do not if starving for 16/20 hours is the best way to go.
By the other way, from my PERSONAL experience, I can say that I work very well having carbs only all around workout but I "feel" my body starves for protein during the day.
I typically train at night so I have some food before w/o, shake during w/o, I eat a couple of meals post w/o (the last one right before going to bed). Then I starve. I skip my breakfast easily but, at lunch time or in the afternoon I feel I need some protein.

Now, my question is:
do you think that having some proteins during the "fasting hours" (I mean: during the 16 hours I virtually do not have carbs or fat) can reduce the health benefits (mainly: autophagy activation) of fasting?

Hey Bud!

I'm not at all an expert on autophagy and the intricacy of mechanisms involved fasting an it's potential health benefits.

Generally, though, body*building* is about creating a caloric excess, which opposes the fasting. Mechanistically, we're talking about activating mTOR, IGF-1, and anabolism vs. inhibiting / reducing those and creating intracellular catabolism.

So there's some give and take here and knowing the long haul effects (e.g., longevity / disease morbidity) can't be had with 100% certainty. Where you draw the line (adding protein or not) i would think would depend on what you're trying to achieve with training (are you trying to add muscle or just feel and look as good as possible).

A nutrient timing approach (health proteins and fats) to stave off that feeling of "I'm starving" would likely improve your quality of life, i'd think, but I believe the general consensus (no expert here!) is that one much avoid taking in anything other than water and air during the periods of fasting to fully realize health benefits. How much is lost in eating X amount of protein, I couldn't say...


Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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RE: Protein pulsing with FT!!?? - by pumpset33 - 01-06-2016, 06:57 AM
RE: Protein pulsing with FT!!?? - by duchaine - 01-20-2020, 07:46 AM
RE: Protein pulsing with FT!!?? - by Scott Stevenson - 01-20-2020, 11:48 PM
RE: Protein pulsing with FT!!?? - by duchaine - 01-21-2020, 05:09 AM

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