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Another pump set thread
Hi everyone, I'm glad this board exists!

I stopped training for 6 weeks due to having examns, but the end is nearing and looking forward to training again. I'm doubting between the two way DC or fortitude tier 1. I have done both (on seperate occasions) for a relative short time (give or take 6 weeks) and liked both. I also listen to Scott' podcasts whenever I find the time. I remember him saying (or the interviewer) that fortitude was to improve after DC or the DC training on it's own. I think he was mainly pointing at the 'cruise' time where DC almost stops training and fortitude keeps doing some work (2-3 workouts, MR of pumpsets only).

My main question is the next: DC is mainly (allmost only) heavy slag iron whereas fortiude includes pumpsets and autoregulating/ picking exercises on the fly which is blasphemy in DC terms. I remember JP being guided by Scott, but I haven't seen him advocating nor doing pumpsets after his guidance. How come? Am I looking at this too rigidly for a HIT viewpoint?

The pumpsets were murdering me tho, and i didn't even do techniques. But I programmed them weekly I.E.: trying to overload them week by week but that seems to be a 'wrong' approach in fortitude or did I read the book not good enough?

Thanks in advance!

Messages In This Thread
Another pump set thread - by Delt123 - 01-30-2020, 02:49 AM
RE: Another pump set thread - by Scott Stevenson - 01-30-2020, 03:33 AM
RE: Another pump set thread - by Delt123 - 01-30-2020, 03:54 AM
RE: Another pump set thread - by Scott Stevenson - 01-30-2020, 11:15 AM

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