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Fortitude Trainig: My First Blast
Hello All,
I’ve just completed my first FT blast and will be starting my intensive cruise tomorrow. Since sharing is caring:

My initial intention was to blast for 6 weeks using the FT base. I had planned on working my way up to Tier 3 of the Base program and finish the blast with 3 weeks at Tier 2. Then I would Intensive Cruise for 2 weeks. Well things don’t always go according to plan. That said, the ability to adapt and adjust the program based on recovery is just what I was looking for.

Weeks 1 and 2 (Tier 1 & 2) I was able to recover quite easily from training. My energy level was high, my mood was good, and sleep was quality. Also, the boost in calories (from 2800 to 3500 on training days and 3000 on non-training days) led to an increase in scale weight of 13lbs (184lbs to 197lbs) Week 3 Tier 3 however kicked my ass.

Training sessions for Tier 3 were great and I was really surprised by the strength increase in Loading sets and Muscle Rounds. This is also when I started to notice the sluggishness outside of the gym. At the same time strength was still improving on Loading sets and Muscle Rounds, and I noticed some body composition changes. At a higher weight I was becoming more vascular, and abs were more defined than they had been at 184lbs. By the end of the week 3 my scale weight was 195 lbs.
It was at this time I began to think about cutting my blast short and starting the Intensive Cruise. After much deliberation I said to myself: “Self, don’t be a puss. Push through, but you need to drop down to Tier 2 or maybe Tier 1.” Which brings us to Week 4.
For week 4 I decided on Tier 2. Still made improvements strength wise on the Loading Sets but for the Muscle Rounds there was regression. For a majority of the movements I reached failure point earlier than previous week using the same load. (note: I kept the same movements for MR’s each week with the intention of using my performance of the clusters as a performance indicator to when I should consider a cruise, or upping calories, or trying to get more sleep)

Today is day 1 of week 5 and will be doing the Intensive Cruise for the next 2 weeks. This will be MR Lower on Tuesday, MR Upper on Saturday, and MR Lower the following Tuesday followed by 3 days off before starting the next blast.

Looking back on my log book, the one thing I will change on the next blast is to increase overall calories. On most training days I was getting 3500 to 4000kcal. On non-training days I may have went to low on calories as most of them were 2800 to a little over 3000kcal.

Current scale weight 192lbs with better body composition than at 184lbs and moving heavier weights.
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Fortitude Trainig: My First Blast - by PoppaTop1 - 02-18-2020, 01:35 AM

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