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FT Plan: Review and Tips

Much appreciated on the reply. Let me try to share more info and get some specific questions.

I listed general sets, but I try to auto regulate the weights based on progress. Ill use some days to represent how I was auto-regulating weight and reps.

If we take a look at Day 3 and the first set. My progress would be something like this.
Week 1: Set 1 / Squat 205 Weight: 4 reps with 5 breaths between, 4, 4, 4, 4, 12. In this set I would note that I completed the set and extended past the limit. I would then raise the weight the next week and repeat. As far as Day 3 & 4 setups, is this a correct approach?


Let me correct my Day 1 A, B, C

Lower Body A / DAY 1:
Set 1: Squat -->Leg Extension -->Squat --> DB Romanian Deadlifts (8-12 reps per)
Set 2: Abductor ( Rest Pause with 35 goal)
Set 3: Seated Calf Raise ( 4 sets of 8 – 12)
Set 4: DB Flat Press W/ Lat Pulldown (35 rep goal)
Set 5: DB Flat Fly W/ Close Grip Row (35 rep goal)
Set 6: Shoulder Press Machine W/ Ab Crunch Machine ((35 rep goal)
Set 7: Lat raises W/ Ab Wheel (35 rep goal)
Set 8: Machine Bicep Curl (35 rep goal)
Set 9: Machine Triceps Push Down (35 rep goal)

Lower Body B / DAY 1:
Set 1: Smith Machine Squat --> Front Squat -->Smith Machine Squat --> Seated Ham Pull(8-12 reps per)
Set 2: Adductor ( Rest Pause with 35 goal)
Set 3: Standing Calf Raise ( 4 sets of 8 – 12)
Set 4: DB Flat Press W/ Lat Pulldown (35 rep goal)
Set 5: DB Flat Fly W/ Close Grip Row (35 rep goal)
Set 6: Shoulder Press Machine W/ Ab Crunch Machine ((35 rep goal)
Set 7: Lat raises W/ Ab Wheel (35 rep goal)
Set 8: Machine Bicep Curl (35 rep goal)
Set 9: Machine Triceps Push Down (35 rep goal)

Lower Body C / DAY 1:
Set 1: Cybex Leg Press -->Leg Extension -->Cybex Leg Press --> Barbell Romanian Deadlifts (8-12 reps per)
Set 2: Adductor ( Rest Pause with 35 goal)
Set 3: Seated Calf Raise ( 4 sets of 8 – 12)
Set 4: DB Flat Press W/ Lat Pulldown (35 rep goal)
Set 5: DB Flat Fly W/ Close Grip Row (35 rep goal)
Set 6: Shoulder Press Machine W/ Ab Crunch Machine ((35 rep goal)
Set 7: Lat raises W/ Ab Wheel (35 rep goal)
Set 8: Machine Bicep Curl (35 rep goal)
Set 9: Machine Triceps Push Down (35 rep goal)

My understanding of zig-zagging is represent in set 1 for example. I would do the press then over to the leg extension and then back to the press. Is the correct way to zig-zag? I did watch a video on youtube to get a better idea of the methodology. So I think this is correct.

As for any set of 35, I am trying to reach 35 reps before I would increase the weight in the next week. Is this the correct approach?


For diet I would say it is for a lack of concrete information. It sounds like I should increase set calorie goals for workout days and reduced calories on non-workout days? I went to see a bodybuilding trainer and they kept the diet the same for the entire week, so that is my last point of information.

Gyms are all locked down. I am currently doing 150lb band workouts to try and keep active. It's not the same!

Hopefully, the corrections to my post and now adding in some detailed questions should help me get refocused on the routine and your training teachings.

Messages In This Thread
FT Plan: Review and Tips - by Blackthorn - 04-26-2020, 07:51 AM
RE: FT Plan: Review and Tips - by Scott Stevenson - 04-27-2020, 02:01 AM
RE: FT Plan: Review and Tips - by Blackthorn - 04-28-2020, 12:43 AM

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