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Restarting FT after "years" of no training
(06-29-2020, 07:38 PM)Rich.A Wrote: Hi Scott, Thanks for the reply. It's good to know that you were able to successfuly train whilst completing your PhD, it gives me some hope.

It certainly can be done, but I really had to MAKE time. I lost sleep to do so, but it was worth it all n' all.

Quote:My PhD is a mix between biomechanics and physiology. In essence, i'm investigating accentuated eccentric loading (AEL) in a squat, the first study was looking at the force-velocity relationship (as most research either focuses only the concentric side, or is a single joint model), we are hoping to publish this in the next month or so. Study 2 has been looking at the hip/knee/ankle joint moments of the concentric & eccentric phase of traditional squatting and AEL squatting. The next studies will then look at the acute/chronic responses to AEL squatting, and the changes in strength/hypertrophy/performance.

I'm VERY interested in this. Do you have any pilot work published (e.g., a proceedings abstract or what have you)?...

I'm guessing you're familiar with this work:

1. Dudley GA, Harris RT, Duvoisin MR, Hather BM, and Buchanan P. Effect of voluntary vs. artificial activation on the relationship of muscle torque to speed. Journal of applied physiology 69: 2215-2221, 1990.
2. Tesch PA, Dudley GA, Duvoisin MR, Hather BM, and Harris RT. Force and EMG signal patterns during repeated bouts of concentric or eccentric muscle actions. Acta Physiol Scand 138: 263-271, 1990.
3. Hather BM, Tesch PA, Buchanan P, and Dudley GA. Influence of eccentric actions on skeletal muscle adaptations to resistance training. Acta Physiol Scand 143: 177-185, 1991.

(And this more recent one: 1. Pain MTG, Young F, Kim J, and Forrester SE. The torque-velocity relationship in large human muscles: Maximum voluntary versus electrically stimulated behaviour. Journal of Biomechanics 46: 645-650, 2013. )

Gary Dudley was my mentor for my PhD.


In terms of what i want to do, competing does not interest me anymore (although i did want to in the past). Mainly, i want to build a physique that is maintainable year round, i want to enjoy training training, and a part of that is knowing that i am on the best path to maximizing my time in the gym. I think i realise i have to be a lot more organised if i want to achieve this.

I was all about maintenance when in school. Eating to gain would have put me in a carb coma (which is partly why I did and experimented so much with a low carb dieting).


I completely agree with what you said re: starting with a full body and increase volume slightly over time, i would then focus on maximizing recovery.

I have reread FT as well as reading a lot of stuff by Jordan Peters, and looking at the general structure of how both of you seem to program.

I will probably set up my plan to be: Heavy Lower/Light Upper, Heavy Upper/Light Lower etc. with exercises focusing on: Hamstring, Thigh, Calf, Chest, Delt, Back Width, Back Thickness.

1 Set per exercise (2 for calfs), 6-10 reps for heavy, 15+ reps for light. Progress in volume (if needed) over 8-12 weeks. Then slowly transition over to a FT style of training 3x per week.

Sounds like a solid plan and also one you can adjust depending on circumstances. Smile



Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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RE: Restarting FT after "years" of no training - by Scott Stevenson - 06-30-2020, 01:37 AM

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