09-09-2021, 11:09 AM
So i added a smith rack dead just above the knees muscle round followed by a smith shrug mr and my upper back is on fire lol.Now on one of my upper loading days i have barbell rack deads below the knees but i don't do them the same week.I also have a vbar handle tbar row i use for muscle rounds but i don't get the soreness i got last night with that combo.I have three more weeks before the cruise but i will drop to the basic tier one to extend the blast.Scott i notice how you stay more upright on bb rows but i can see your back working.I tend to bend down a little more but sometimes i am getting stiffness.You have great contraction on your rows.Rowing was always my strongest movements repping up to 405x6 fairly clean.Now after my hosptal stay im really struggling getting up there again.I really thought i would gain everything by now But i am gaining slow but steady with the program.I see how fast Dusty gained back his size