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Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please...
Hi everyone, I wish you all a blessed day from sunny SE Europe. I'm Fran (boys name here! hah), I'm 28 and I've been hooked since my dad introduced me to the iron as a fat 13 y.o., although it's only been around 5-6 years that I've had all my stuff in order and I'm taking this seriously. 
As a teen I got hooked to Mike Mentzer style HIT, then during/after uni I did more "evidence based" powerlifting inspired stuff as this was the main source of info on lifting on youtube at the time, now I do my own thing as I'm not built for strength.

Right now I'm close to finishing a 3-month aggressive cut, down from 91 to 82 kilos (200 to 180 in freedom units), currently at 13% bodyfat, at 6'1 tall (this didn't change hm). Some other stats, I don't know I'm not very strong but on a usual day I bench 225 for 12, I can RDL 4 plates (but usually prefer less weight), and I'm exploring various squat patterns and heel elevations that better fit my longish femurs, as well as unilateral work, so no idea on that one.  

My last bulk was a bit aggressive. I plan on starting a T2T Fortitude Training blast in May when I get back from a short work trip. I'll try to explore many new exercises and I'll try to focus a lot on peri-workout nutrition and bulk at a slightly less-aggressive rate, at an "intuitive" surplus. 

Oh well I'd like to get into everything more but I'll just start my own thread for that Smile 


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RE: Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please... - by fgloblek - 04-12-2023, 07:07 PM

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