12-01-2014, 05:30 AM
Hey Scott.
I've got the ebook yesterday and began reading it.
Got a few questions please.
The girlfriend and I train together so should be fun!
Basic Tier one looks like its 3 TOTAL sets for chest that week? Well 2 total sets(1 pump, 1loading) then 6sets on muscle rounds, that correct yeah?
The pump sets Basic, Tier one and Day one they are supersets correct....and by looking there is no rest period, you do the reps for the muscle group then superset with the next muscle group thats one pump superset done. Then you move straight onto your next superset muscle group...BUT, if i train with my gf ill be waiting for her to finish her set? ALTHOUGH it does say in the actual writing not on the overview shit that you can rest one minute between supersets.
On the same tier looks like quads only get three total sets that week...seems very low volume? Although i suppose thats why its important to make every set count and keep it as heavy as you can without compromising form.
The stretches....are they typically done in the "Rest period" between sets, so on the loading sets day one you have 2 minutes rest or do you stretch then start your rest?
Not sure i fully understand the "ZIG ZAGGING".....is it just in Tier 3 you perform this?
Thanks alot.
Just sitting down with my girl and son now so will give it another read when she goes to work tomorrow.
I've got the ebook yesterday and began reading it.
Got a few questions please.
The girlfriend and I train together so should be fun!
Basic Tier one looks like its 3 TOTAL sets for chest that week? Well 2 total sets(1 pump, 1loading) then 6sets on muscle rounds, that correct yeah?
The pump sets Basic, Tier one and Day one they are supersets correct....and by looking there is no rest period, you do the reps for the muscle group then superset with the next muscle group thats one pump superset done. Then you move straight onto your next superset muscle group...BUT, if i train with my gf ill be waiting for her to finish her set? ALTHOUGH it does say in the actual writing not on the overview shit that you can rest one minute between supersets.
On the same tier looks like quads only get three total sets that week...seems very low volume? Although i suppose thats why its important to make every set count and keep it as heavy as you can without compromising form.
The stretches....are they typically done in the "Rest period" between sets, so on the loading sets day one you have 2 minutes rest or do you stretch then start your rest?
Not sure i fully understand the "ZIG ZAGGING".....is it just in Tier 3 you perform this?
Thanks alot.
Just sitting down with my girl and son now so will give it another read when she goes to work tomorrow.