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Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please...
Hi guys,

Just purchased the E-Book today along with Meadow's Mountain Dog Diet as some extra reading. Became interested in the training after @Pscarb put up his latest video blog.

I am a 22 year old that is currently competing. I come from a background of martial arts and rugby, both at very high levels but due to university and enjoying the weight training more than the activity it was for, I switched to bodybuilding. Entered my first show earlier this year and qualified for national finals however it was a student show and only offered physique (apparently I was too big at 220lbs and 6ft). I am currently looking at competing next April in the UKBFF as it will be the final year of juniors for me. Currently I am dieting down as after my last show I did not reverse diet efficiently and gained excess fat, so timing a small cut with an upcoming holiday so that when I get back I can start my lean bulk.

Starting on my FT journey tomorrow and will be logging it offline and uploading weekly updates of it as well as progress pictures. I like the variety that the program offers as I have tried many and have become a bit stagnated in regards to training. The only challenge for me will be the gym itself as it is a commercial Fitness First which means (a) lack of variety in machines/equipment and (b) they are spread out meaning retaining them will be difficult. May have to look at travelling over to Bristol to train at Ministry of Fitness.

. Currently have a partial tear in a rotator cuff and a damaged labrum, but am rehabbing and continuing with training. It was undiagnosed for months so it is nice to know what it is and how to fix it!

Really looking forward to this program. Lately I have been on a low carb diet (not my strong area at all so all help is appreciated) so will slowly be upping the calories. I am also doing fasted cardio 3-4 times a week for 30minutes on the stair master which I will reduce weekly by around 20% as John Meadows recommends. Hopefully this way I will be able to cope with the volume from FT whilst also continuing to lean up whilst increasing my calorific intake.

Look forward to starting and getting some great results! I am sure I will need some help on things so expect me being that annoying questioner!Angel


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RE: Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please... - by HammerHarris - 06-17-2015, 08:06 AM

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