08-26-2015, 01:37 AM
(08-26-2015, 01:21 AM)Pumped340 Wrote: I'm starting tier II next week and want to get some clarification. For tier I we generally just have the one set per muscle grou. For tier III we often have 3-4 sets per muscle group so it tends to go A,B,A,B. Since tier III often has 2 sets for the same exercise, and even 3 sets for the same exercise in the case of the examples for thighs, can we / should we do 2 sets of the same exercise for Tier II? For example 3 sets of back would probably be A,B,A....can/should chest be A,A and delts be A,A or do we add yet another exercise into the mix so it's A,B?
Your talking loading right? Chest and delts have iso after compound. So its A, B. Like Bench Press and DB Fly ... or Military Press and DB Lateral Raises. If you are talking MR, all sets are different.
(08-26-2015, 01:21 AM)Pumped340 Wrote: Secondly, If we do have multiple compound exercises per muscle group do they both get failure on the last set? In the book it mentions "take the last compound exercise to failure" but I'm thinking maybe that's supposed to mean "take the last set of each compound exercise to failure" because in the back examples where there are two compounds they are both taken to failure on the last set.
It's the last set of that lift. So for back, you're right, at Tier III you would do something like pulldowns (1 rep shy), T-bar rows (1 rep shy), Pulldowns (to failure), T-bar Rows (to failure).
For tier III legs it would be squat (1 rep shy), Hamstring curl (failure), Squat (1 rep shy), Sissy squats (failure), squats (failure).
Hope that makes sense. For loading isolation are always done to failure, compounds last time you do the lift is failure. This is true even if you do isolation first.