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Fortitude After Injury
Ok Dr. Scott.
I was 3 blasts into fortitude, and was as strong as I've EVER been. I had "retard strength" per my training partner.
Well, 6 weeks ago I accidentally stuck a chainsaw in my right leg while helping a friend cut down some dead trees.
I took the saw right below my knee, somehow missed my mcl and patella tendon by millimeters per my surgeon. I did cut into the bone (tibia) 4" long by 5 millimeters deep. But luckily missed everything major as far as stability goes.
I started training again 2 weeks ago, doing a typical 3 day split, going as hard as I could on upper body, and just doing what I can for lower body.
So far I've been doing everything lower body uni laterally as to hopefully help even our my legs again in size and strength.
From being non weight bearing for a few weeks and all the swelling I had quite a bit of atrophy.
I've been improving on lower body as far as weight goes and things aren't really hurting anymore. I'm even going back to work in the morning for the first time since the injury.
I need to get my strength back.
Fortitude got me strong, so why not start it again?
I mean I'll be starting from ground zero on my legs but, why not?
What's your opinion on starting fortitude again?
If so, should I continue for a while to do everything lower body uni laterally? Or both legs at a time again?
If uni laterally can you help me with some exercises I could use besides leg extensions and leg presses.
Thanks for your time,.
I appreciate it.
And plan to get my lower body bigger, AND stronger than it was before.!

Messages In This Thread
Fortitude After Injury - by Fireguy10720 - 08-29-2015, 01:23 PM
RE: Fortitude After Injury - by Scott Stevenson - 08-29-2015, 11:38 PM
RE: Fortitude After Injury - by Fireguy10720 - 08-30-2015, 03:28 AM
RE: Fortitude After Injury - by Fireguy10720 - 08-30-2015, 05:47 AM
RE: Fortitude After Injury - by Scott Stevenson - 08-30-2015, 07:05 AM
RE: Fortitude After Injury - by Fireguy10720 - 08-30-2015, 07:52 AM

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