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Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please...
Hi Everybody,

All roads lead to Rome and I kind of think the same thing applies to my training leading me to here. Got seriously into training in my early 20s and first started competing at 25. Dialed myself in for my first show myself and came down from my off season weight of 224 to 168. Suffice to say when I thought I was 15% BF I was probably more like 25% and ended up taking off huge chunks of muscle to get ripped (first pic). Jumping forward a few years I found DC training which led me IM where I followed Scott really closely after seeing the fantastic shape he got himself and his clients into plus I really enjoyed his writing style and willingness to share information and his analysis (had a few other shows in between - second pic). Suffice to say when I found out he was working on his own program I waited with baited breath till it was released. Jump forward to this year and after nearly a solid year of FT I took second place in the intermediate under 80kg class and then 4 weeks later took first place in the under 90kg class at two regional shows here in the UK (third pic).

[Image: 10400492_17725251651_9521_n_zpsspyuctnq.jpg]

[Image: 23578_405238039433_104897_n_zpswqxu9afu.jpg]

[Image: 11225412_10153395301999434_6644788550727...bdrtzj.jpg]

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RE: Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please... - by scousedave - 09-10-2015, 10:17 PM

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