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New to FT - Trying to digest and create my masterpiece!
Hey guys,

I've been slowly digesting the book. It's pretty damn clever.
Anyway, I am going to start Tier I - Basic Version. I am creating a 3 week variation as suggested A,B&C. If I outline the first week, could someone look over it and say if I am in the right direction?

Day 1
1 x Back Squat
1 x Leg Ext
1 x Laying Ham Curl
1 x Adductor Machine (10-15 reps to failure)
2 x Standing Calf
1 x Machine Press Then straight to 1 x Lat Pulldown
1 x Machine Shoulder Press Then straight to 1 x Cable Crunch Abs
1 x EZ Curl Then straight to 1 x 'V' Bar Pushdown

Day 2
1 x Close Grip Row
1 x Flat Bench
1 x Close Grip Row (zigzagged from first 2)
1 x Seated DBell Press
1 x 45degree Leg Press
1 x Seated Ham (cause hams weaker than quads)
1 x Seated Calf

Day 3 - OFF

Day 4
1 x MR. Smith Squat
1 x P. Leg Ext
1 x P. Laying Ham Curl
1 x MR. Standing Calf
1 x P. Cable Straight Bar Curl

Day 5 - OFF

Day 6
1 x MR. Palms facing together pulldown
1 x MR. Cable Row
1 x MR. Smith Press
1 x MR. Barbell Press
1 x MR. Scull Crusher
1 x MR. Cable Crunch Abs

Hope the above isn't too far away from what right?

A couple of questions is possible:
* I am confused about what to take to failure and what to end just before.?
*Does it matter if the same exercise is used on the PUMP as I did on the LOAD ex. Loading flat bench on Monday then pumping flat bench Wednesday?
*If on the loading set, the adductor machine isn't quite heavy enough should I play around with variations to that exercise ex DC style or eccentric?

I am sure there will be more questions to come! Thanks for now!


Messages In This Thread
New to FT - Trying to digest and create my masterpiece! - by jared - 11-19-2015, 08:03 AM

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