04-06-2016, 06:23 AM
(04-06-2016, 12:30 AM)Altamir Wrote: I know it's not asked to me, but I do my loading / pump days first thing in the morning.
I'm up early, like 4-4:30am early. and I train around 7-7:30am. So I have a normal breakfast of eggs. Then my per-shake for training, and then my two carb meals post training, and then back to pro/fat meals until bedtime.
This works well for me, since it allows me to get some food in my system, and since I'm up early I usually have a chance to do some foam rolling / stretching, and light chores around the house to get my blood moving before hitting the gym.
What sort of time frame are you looking at Breeze? From waking up to hitting the gym?
That's fine, the more peeps engaging the better aye!?
I get up around 6:20am and have to leave around 6:45am to get to the gym around 7-7:15am. I was thinking of maybe just having some coffee & coconut oil upon wakening and training fasted. Then consuming a post-workout shake consisting of whey & HBCD.
After training consuming my carbs within the 4-5 hours post-training... then having just protein/fats & veggies for the remainder of the day.
Kinda like carb backloading I guess...
(04-06-2016, 12:38 AM)dens228 Wrote: I get up and have a whey/casein shake, about 30 grams of protein in it.
About 45 minutes later I have my pre-workout drink. Nothing fancy, just the stock drink of whatever my addiction feeds me that day.
Right now it's either Ritual or Condense. For the last couple of weeks I take carnitine at the same time as my pre.
Intra I take IntraMD with an extra scoop of EAA's.
About 30 minutes after I have a small meal of some type of carb with protein. I varies from eggs with toast to oatmeal mixed with protein powder.
Thanks Dens.
So you have a few hours in the morning before you go train? I'm kind of limited as I train right before work so i'm pretty much up & out!
- Breeze