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Just started...looking for critique
Hey welcome aboard! Overall things look pretty good!

I can't really comment on the spin bike or knees issues. Though I'm sure they are a major pain for you. Looks like you are trying to do hamstring and quad stuff first and then thigh stuff last to help out? I think that's a great idea.

As far as your lifts go, the two that really stick out to me to think about is Front Squats for Quads Loading, and lunges for thigh pump. If that is your ONLY option I imagine front squats could work, but personally that's a little bit too much of a compound lift for quad isolation (or maybe I'm just a wienie).

Reason you may want to give walking lunges another look is that there is going to be zero occlusion effect as you work, since you'll be walking, the muscle will be under stress, and then not under stress. I'd focus your pump lifts more towards lifts that you can not only sustain continuously to failure, but also past failure.

As far as your program, for tier 1 looks like you've got a chest isolation lift in there, should be one compound lift only. Smile (See page 134 in the book)

As you get accustomed and acclimated to the program, I'd suggest start to extend and play with your pump sets more. I have a few body parts that respond very well to just straight sets but for the most part I get a lot more out of adding partials, tempo changes, iso holds, etc etc to extend the set. It's fun, painful, and productive.

Looking good so far! Let me know if you have any questions! Smile


Messages In This Thread
Just started...looking for critique - by ccohen - 04-08-2016, 09:29 AM
RE: Just started...looking for critique - by Altamir - 04-09-2016, 03:10 AM

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