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Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please...
Hi all, just wanted to introduce myself, I'm Alix, 31yrs old, currently weigh about 75kg, I used to be a professional Muay Thai fighter at around 63kg so been on a quest to put muscle on ever since then. Would like to be lean at over 82kg but only ever been up there once. I run a CrossFit gym in Hong Kong, orginally from the UK and been here nearly 8 years now. I haven't really trained CrossFit in about 3 years and have mainly been doing body comp style stuff and borrowing lots from bodybuilding recently. As a CrossFit gym I've got loads of machines, hack squat, ham curl, hammer row, cables etc, so I can get the best of both worlds.

I did a John Meadows program and worked with one of his nutrition coaches, really enjoyed that. I found Scott through some posts in the UK from working with JP, read up lots and bought the FT ebook, and have read through it already, great material! I was going to sign up for the VV program but as I regularly programm training and nutrition for others and have a good understanding of programs I thought I would have a stab at it myself and resort back to coaching once I have experimented for a few weeks.

I would have given my left arm to attend the seminar in the UK but wont be back home there until June for summer so missed that Sad Any more planned please give me a shout. Over the last couple of years Ive really focused on muscle contraction and using muscles rather than just moving through a movement, its helped lots but still feel some muscle groups give me a harder time and especially contraction in leg muscles evades me, its something I will keep working on but feel some practical time at seminars could help.

Hope to learn lots on here and share my experiences with the program. No doubt I'll make a few mistakes but happy to ride this program out for a while and get some good returns from it Smile

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RE: Introduce Yourself: If you've never Posted, Post here please... - by alixjames - 04-19-2016, 11:37 AM

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