06-06-2023, 11:12 PM
Hi All,
My name is Ryan, I'm 45 and live in the UK. I've been training for over 25 years, a lot of which was strongman training as I used to compete, albeit on local amateur level! Stopped at 40 because it was breaking me and I was too heavy for my height and age but loved it all the same.
I actually bought the Fortitude Training book back in 2019 as a holiday read, and I have run it before, but I've been running DC and PPL for a good long while (even had 6 months or so using higher volume.... don't ask
) but giving Fortitude another really good run. I loved the variety and auto regulation features last time, as well as being incredibly tough! I'm like a Magpie with shiny things when it comes to machines and different lifts in the gym so having the freedom to experiment with certain bits of kit with Fortitude is awesome!
I have really enjoyed PPL but I can only just manage 4 days per week and it sometimes feels too long between training body parts and it also gets a bit samey as in it's just straight sets.
My pump set work needs some attention and will be asking questions about how everyone else manages them. I just get a bit stuck on what to use, which set type to use etc to make sure I'm getting the most out of them.
Hope to catch up with you all soon.
My name is Ryan, I'm 45 and live in the UK. I've been training for over 25 years, a lot of which was strongman training as I used to compete, albeit on local amateur level! Stopped at 40 because it was breaking me and I was too heavy for my height and age but loved it all the same.
I actually bought the Fortitude Training book back in 2019 as a holiday read, and I have run it before, but I've been running DC and PPL for a good long while (even had 6 months or so using higher volume.... don't ask

I have really enjoyed PPL but I can only just manage 4 days per week and it sometimes feels too long between training body parts and it also gets a bit samey as in it's just straight sets.
My pump set work needs some attention and will be asking questions about how everyone else manages them. I just get a bit stuck on what to use, which set type to use etc to make sure I'm getting the most out of them.
Hope to catch up with you all soon.