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Arm Development and FT
Hi Scott,

I am competing in my first show in just under 14 weeks. I am fortunate to have a friend who is a retired pro and has been teaching me posing. 

It has become very obvious that my arms are very underdeveloped in comparison to the rest of my physique. I knew they were a weaker body part but had never practiced posing so was unaware to the extent they were lagging!

My question is, how can I structure Fortitude Training to enable me to emphasise bicep and tricep development? I don't think that training biceps and triceps earlier within their respective days is the answer due to the impact on loading for other exercises. (Maybe it would work but psychologically it would ruin training for me).

Would it be reasonable to train a fifth day where I do an "arms session" consisting of 6-9 sets on biceps and triceps, whilst dropping down a volume tier on the rest of the programme?

I'm curious to hear your thoughts and/or experience here.



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