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Intensive cruise on family man program
Just completed my first blast which was great fun and know I'll get more from the next. Question is around the cruise. I can't find it now but read the cruise would be shorter as I'm training a day less than the standard program. I'm sure I read it was 9 days ( trained last on Friday) so if train Monday and Thursday then start my next blast the following Monday? Thanks
(11-09-2015, 08:25 AM)simplesi Wrote: Just completed my first blast which was great fun and know I'll get more from the next. Question is around the cruise. I can't find it now but read the cruise would be shorter as I'm training a day less than the standard program. I'm sure I read it was 9 days ( trained last on Friday) so if train Monday and Thursday then start my next blast the following Monday? Thanks

The cruise duration depends on the Blast duration.

The intensity cruise is just ~⅓ the duration of the Blast (with the last ~⅓ of the CRUISE devoid of formal gym training).


Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Just done another blast on 3 day family man with tier 2 being the sweet spot but still find the mr days to much by the time I get to legs so might play around with this. Just completed a 6 week blast but due to family commitments haven't trained now for 6 days, do I just start again at day 7 or 9 as two weeks no training is probably a bad idea?
(02-18-2016, 07:34 PM)simplesi Wrote: Just done another blast on 3 day family man with tier 2 being the sweet spot but still find the mr days to much by the time I get to legs so might play around with this. Just completed a 6 week blast but due to family commitments haven't trained now for 6 days, do I just start again at day 7 or 9 as two weeks no training is probably a bad idea?

That depends on how you feel, as you'll have to go by instinct now. (Kind of depends on what you were up to during the time off.)

(You could tray training legs first on Day 3 of the Family man plan. That is a Upper body focused variation, so legs are under-emphasized there, kind of with the expectation that you'll perhaps be a bit spent by the time you get to them.)


Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Nothing to taxing, just keeping 3 of my boys entertained! So lots of trips to the park! Was hoping some of my niggling injuries would have improved but throwing the kids around hasn't helped. And was thinking of alternating putting legs first every other week, it's easier on tier 1 as less work before but going up to tier 2 or 3 and don't have the real drive to push it as much as I know I can.

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