[attachment=1363]I’m in my early 40’s and first started weight training around 1989/90 whilst still in high school. Initially, because a couple of my friends joined a local gym and secondly I was a bit over-weight. Of course the only BB information available at that time was via books and the U.S. Muscle Mags. I bought Muscle Builder (the Aussie Edition) and Muscle Mag International religiously (then later in the 90’s Muscle Media 2000) . Of course like everyone else I started out doing high volume work . When Yates started winning the Olympia and Mike Mentzer came back onto the scene and started getting more coverage in the mags I switched over to much lower volume work - which over the years I never really deviated too far from. In 2005/6 I tried DC Training . I don’t have great genetics and am by no means a huge guy but from day one it was the training side of things I really enjoyed more than the sport itself. I’m a bit of a loner and the gym was a place of solace where I could push as hard as possible and not worry about what anyone else was doing. I must have stood out because I was eventually approached by one of the more impressive senior guys at the gym and asked if I would be interested in training with him. At one point I was given a key to use the gym outside of operating hrs (no 24hr gyms in those days and ‘Saturdays and Sundays where limited opening hours). I remember going to the gym to train on xmas day! Over the years like with most people the priorities of work, travel, marriage and kids take over and there have been very erratic training periods. That said, my diet has always been sensible and I’ve never been overweight. If anything I am under eater (due to being a fat kid and not waiting to ever go back to that). I’m still paranoid today about consuming too many calories and putting on unwanted b/fat so this is an issue for me still when trying to increase my B/W. The goal at my age now is to do my best to build a good solid physique and add quality lean muscle, avoiding at all costs gaining b/weight too quickly and looking like a bloated balloon.
I’ve always used a training log book but went the whole hog in the last year and starting tracking everything from Daily Cals, Body Weight, BP, Sleeping patterns etc. I also moved back to DC training and made some good gains but started suffering sore joints and found I was getting burnt out and digging myself into a hole – Even using the recommended cruise pattern. I’ve posted this before, but during this period I stumbled across FT via John Meadows’ video’s and spent quite a bit of time googling + YouTubing Scott/FT along with listening to his various guest appearance podcasts. Admittedly most of the scientific information on training and diet is way over my head but I found Scott is one individual who is able to explain things in ‘laymans’ terms so the Ave Joe can understand.
Here are some points on why I have found FT to be a great Training System. I guess it comes down to structure and guidance.
1. There are 6 Tier levels incl Turbo that the trainee can move through, either up or down depending on your recovery/progress. The Tier’s can be fluid. ie during your blast if you feel you need to back off – drop down a Tier or two. Alternatively if you think you can handle a bit more you can bump up if you wish.
2. Progressive Resistance is the cornerstone of any training program but unlike HIT training (which I have predominately used over the years), Higher rep Pump Sets and Muscle Rounds are included in the program.
3. If stalling on a Loading Exercise it’s not the end of the world, switch it out and keep moving forward!
4. Auto-regulation is 100% encouraged on Pump Sets and Muscle Rounds. You aren’t locked into in a strict must do or else pattern.
5. Using a log-book is key. I have always used a log book since the day I started training, but 99.9% of people I’ve seen @ gyms over the years don’t. How do you known what exactly you did a month ago without writing it down?????
6. A fully guided approach to if/when and how to implement the ‘Intensive Cruise’ period after your blast. This point is crucial for me. I’ve always found it hard to implement suitable rest and deloading periods. In the past I’ve gone until I’m burnt out and then either taken weeks off with no training, or come back to too early and too hard.
7. Everything Scott write’s about in the E-Book is evidence based. It’s not just someone saying you should to this, this and this because that’s what Schwarzenegger did etc…… Allows you to dig in and research it yourself
8. The importance and research behind a ‘Peri/Recovery Supplement’ and how to implement it.
9. Diet guideline templates.
It’s still very early days using FT but felt the need to post this because having now completed two full blasts and just about to start my second intensive cruise I’m 100% surprised that I have progressed on every loading exercise and MR’s (either increase in reps or weight) during this period and not stalled out yet. Given my age, genetics – or lack of!! …and total period time I have been weight training, I am certain would have usually stalled out by now. I did have an issue a couple of weeks ago where I thought I was overreaching and was going to have to drop into a cruise after only 4 week of my blast, but with input from Scott and others on this board I made some quick and easy changes to my Tier level and kept on rolling making it through to week 6 of my blast without any further dramas at all!
Some quick thoughts for what its worth on what I’d like to see:
(a) The FT E-book in printable format.
(b) I have heard Scott talk on podcasts about herbal/natural supplements in respect of heart, liver, kidneys and general health. An stand-alone e-book on this subject would be awesome
© A training video similar to the old DC video that is now on YouTube. This would certainly help new people to the system and also be used as a marketing tool. Thw video you could explain the FT System and provide real workout examples on how to properly zig-zag, do MR’s, Pump Sets etc. Perhaps Jordan Peters could assist with this as the videos on his website are well edited, sharp and professionally shot.
***I made up a small FT logo to put on my gym shorts as a small effort to help promote FT!!
I’ve always used a training log book but went the whole hog in the last year and starting tracking everything from Daily Cals, Body Weight, BP, Sleeping patterns etc. I also moved back to DC training and made some good gains but started suffering sore joints and found I was getting burnt out and digging myself into a hole – Even using the recommended cruise pattern. I’ve posted this before, but during this period I stumbled across FT via John Meadows’ video’s and spent quite a bit of time googling + YouTubing Scott/FT along with listening to his various guest appearance podcasts. Admittedly most of the scientific information on training and diet is way over my head but I found Scott is one individual who is able to explain things in ‘laymans’ terms so the Ave Joe can understand.
Here are some points on why I have found FT to be a great Training System. I guess it comes down to structure and guidance.
1. There are 6 Tier levels incl Turbo that the trainee can move through, either up or down depending on your recovery/progress. The Tier’s can be fluid. ie during your blast if you feel you need to back off – drop down a Tier or two. Alternatively if you think you can handle a bit more you can bump up if you wish.
2. Progressive Resistance is the cornerstone of any training program but unlike HIT training (which I have predominately used over the years), Higher rep Pump Sets and Muscle Rounds are included in the program.
3. If stalling on a Loading Exercise it’s not the end of the world, switch it out and keep moving forward!
4. Auto-regulation is 100% encouraged on Pump Sets and Muscle Rounds. You aren’t locked into in a strict must do or else pattern.
5. Using a log-book is key. I have always used a log book since the day I started training, but 99.9% of people I’ve seen @ gyms over the years don’t. How do you known what exactly you did a month ago without writing it down?????
6. A fully guided approach to if/when and how to implement the ‘Intensive Cruise’ period after your blast. This point is crucial for me. I’ve always found it hard to implement suitable rest and deloading periods. In the past I’ve gone until I’m burnt out and then either taken weeks off with no training, or come back to too early and too hard.
7. Everything Scott write’s about in the E-Book is evidence based. It’s not just someone saying you should to this, this and this because that’s what Schwarzenegger did etc…… Allows you to dig in and research it yourself
8. The importance and research behind a ‘Peri/Recovery Supplement’ and how to implement it.
9. Diet guideline templates.
It’s still very early days using FT but felt the need to post this because having now completed two full blasts and just about to start my second intensive cruise I’m 100% surprised that I have progressed on every loading exercise and MR’s (either increase in reps or weight) during this period and not stalled out yet. Given my age, genetics – or lack of!! …and total period time I have been weight training, I am certain would have usually stalled out by now. I did have an issue a couple of weeks ago where I thought I was overreaching and was going to have to drop into a cruise after only 4 week of my blast, but with input from Scott and others on this board I made some quick and easy changes to my Tier level and kept on rolling making it through to week 6 of my blast without any further dramas at all!
Some quick thoughts for what its worth on what I’d like to see:
(a) The FT E-book in printable format.
(b) I have heard Scott talk on podcasts about herbal/natural supplements in respect of heart, liver, kidneys and general health. An stand-alone e-book on this subject would be awesome
© A training video similar to the old DC video that is now on YouTube. This would certainly help new people to the system and also be used as a marketing tool. Thw video you could explain the FT System and provide real workout examples on how to properly zig-zag, do MR’s, Pump Sets etc. Perhaps Jordan Peters could assist with this as the videos on his website are well edited, sharp and professionally shot.
***I made up a small FT logo to put on my gym shorts as a small effort to help promote FT!!