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Questions/Comments as nearing end of first FT blast
I am (rightly or wrongly) doing a 7th week in my blast as my first week was very much hit and miss as i sussed out exercises, weights etc etc but i know this is my last week before cruising.

As a noob on the routine i can honestly say it wasn't until maybe week 5 (Tier 2) that the routine really clicked for me in regards to the actual intensity levels required. I train alone so absolute failure is probably a bit further in reality than what i thought i was doing but week 5 and 6 absolutely smashed me and i knew i was finally hitting the mark!

I started at Tier 1 went to Tier 2 and for me i don't even think i would need to hit Tier 3 as i am now absolutely mullered when i stagger out of the gym! Maybe this will change in time the more cycles i do with FT.

I also struggle with quad exercises and mainly utilised teh same exercises as thighs but changed foot placement to hit front quad more, ie narrow leg press, v squat with low narrow foot placement etc. Never could get the hang of the smith sissy squats

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RE: Questions/Comments as nearing end of first FT blast - by masonator - 05-26-2016, 08:18 PM

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