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Is this the correct structure for FT Tier 3?
(03-26-2017, 11:27 PM)Scott Stevenson Wrote: IMO, you're making a conceptual error here in thinking that bulking / gaining muscle occurs with a specific formulaic, static caloric excess.

Just as the body's in a state of dynamic homeostasis, the food requirement to produce muscle gain will change depending on what state your body is in. When lean, post contenst, 3500kcal / day might produce weight gain, whereas 5 month later, when heavier, you might need to take in 5500kcal to produce the same rate of weight gain.

So, your off-season diet would thus be adjusted dynamically in response to how your body is changing. Smile


Hi Scott thanks again. And sorry for replying so late.

At the moment my diet Is being prepared by my coach. He is really doing it as a favour as Ive known him for over 10 years and he isnt charging me so all good. But all your advice is very usefull.

And well as far for cutting static caloric restrictment seems to be working at the moment, I can see myself getting leaner, vascularity is a lot better but the weight isnt moving that much, Im still at 82 kilos, this week my diet is around 1650kcal, 200gr protein/90gr Carbs and the rest fats, I aint counting the calories from BCAA's that Im taking even though I know they have calories, I need to be at least 79 kilos to get into the under 80k category or Id get shit on in the over 80 ha! Im 21 days out today! Feeling good.

The bulking is another story, I should even be THINKING of this right now, but as you know when your hungry you think of food and Im thinking on how Im going to bulk this season haha.

I will open a NEW topic about this in the future for more specific information.

And yes normally I just bulk using a calory excess. But I do up the calories I can start at 3600 then go to 4000 then 4300/4600/5000 (5000 has been my max)
I never have any problems gaining weight no more (When I was younger I did but this was probably lack of knowledge and not eating enough) I always gain weight when I want to but these last 2 years the first year I went up to 5000kcal and finished at 95kilos with a loooooot of fat, the second year I went up to 4000kcal and finished at 92kilos with a lot less fat than the year before. Obviously my diet is clean when eating 4000kcal but once or twice a week I do include things like an Ice cream or cookies or pizza or burger king that I do NOT COUNT the calories. So its like 4000/5000+ CHEAT kcals.

This year I want to try to LEAN bulk around 2800/3000kcal and include things I like, like bacon/sausages/cheddar cheese/etc, picking something NOT as clean ONCE a day and not in EXCESS this way I shouldnt suffer so much and able to up the weight, If I see myself getting a little fat then Ill change things around.

Also I plan NOT eating carbs before bed, as I always workout around 3/4pm, no need to be eating carbs at 11pm.

Sorry for such a large post, needed to get it off my chest and see what your opinions are.


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RE: Is this the correct structure for FT Tier 3? - by Junior V - 04-02-2017, 09:02 PM

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