08-23-2018, 07:07 AM
(08-15-2018, 04:39 AM)thethinker48 Wrote: Hey Scott,A little update on this:
I've been doing FT for a year+ now, and can say without a shadow of a doubt that I've made some of the best progress and learned SO much about my own body's recovery abilities that it's insane.
The $20 spent on your ebook has yielded more than the thousands spent on all the other crap us bodybuilders spend on.
I remember a few years ago you answering a question with: "It depends", and I'd want to shout at the computer monitor and say: "Just tell me what to do!"...not realizing how much inter individuality was at play here, and how much you needed to learn about YOURSELF in this endeavor. Id really like to thank you for all of this, the FT system, the board, your willingness to come on here and help us out.
After a year of FT, I wanted to try something a little different before coming back to this again. I decided to try one of John Meadows high frequency programs, I'm running one of his program: (the taskmaster) for this blast. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the details of the programming, It's a high volume, high frequency (bodypart blocks), 6 days a week.
I'm someone who ran FT tier 1 EOD due to my body's recovery abilities. It's super tough for me to do multiple sets not to failure. 1 muscle round or 1 straight set in FT meant serious business.
I was wondering what you'd do in my instance? Take out one of the extra high frequency days? It's a back phase right now? Or remove 1 set from the 3-4 sets John has for each exercise?
Or just run the program as is, and see how my body reacts in 1-2 weeks, then adjust from there? (This seems like a logical thing to do)
Thanks again for everything,
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Stuck to Johns original programming for about 1.5 weeks; yup body's beat, a bit flatter and worn out from the training (you know the look, calories are high but fullness not so much), I'm going to need to reduce the volume.
This is where the fun begins; or at least the fun of figuring out what works for me. It's funny how much genetics play a role in recovery, perfect sleep and super supplements included, it's still varied.
I think I'm going to start with dropping 1 set from each exercise; everything's programmed specifically so even the exercises John has more emphasis on for loading have more sets or other intensity techniques so it should keep it neutral across the board.
I'll keep everything else the same, so hitting back 3x a week as part of this block, reducing overall volume from the whole program and keeping frequency the same should be ideal I think; it's the same thing I did with FT, I just added a rest day after each training session on top of tier 1.
Any thoughts?
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