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First blast! Any tips/recomendations are welcome
Hey Scott so just one more question regarding diet. Being a vegetarian and getting my protein from legumes for 2 of my meals. And the rest from vegan protein powders and eggs. Would you make any alterations to the overall amount of protein? What amount of protein would you go with? I've been doing my diet based on Dante's recommendations of 2xbodyweight in Lbs would you keep that number the same or go lower?

This is my current diet:

Meal 1: Measurement Calories Protein Carbs Fats
Whole egg 4 296 25 1,4 20
Oats 60g 204 8 40 3,5
Banana 1 121 1,4 31 0,4
PB 30g 178,8 9 3,6 13,8
Lemon water + applecider vinegar
Total meal 1 799,8 43,4 76 37,7

Meal 2: Measurement Calories Protein Carbs Fats
Protein pulver 100g 391 75 6,25 7,5
Total meal 391 75 6,25 7,5

Intra-Workout Measurement Calories Protein Carbs Fats
Dextrose 3 Scoops 230 90
Creatine 5g
EAA 20g 10
Total intra 230 10 90 0

Meal 3: Measurement Calories Protein Carbs Fats
Red/Green Lentils 500g 660 45 120 3,75
Total Meal 660 45 120 3,75

Meal 4: Post workout Measurement Calories Protein Carbs Fats
Protein pulver 100g 391 75 6,25 7,5
Oats 60g 204 8 40 3,5
Banana 1 121 1,4 31 0,4
Total Meal 920 92,4 117,25 15,4

Meal 5: Measurement Calories Protein Carbs Fats
Black beans 500g 660 45 120 3,75
Veggies 50g - - - -
Total Meal 660 45 120 3,75

Meal 6: carb cutoff meal Measurement Calories Protein Carbs Fats
Protein pulver 100g 391 75 6,25 7,5
PB 30g 178,8 9 3,6 13,8
Total meal 6 569,8 84 9,85 21,3

Total Day Measurement Calories Protein Carbs Fats
Sum of all meals 4230,6 394,8 499,35 89,4
Real cal 4541,2 1579,2 2157,4 804,6

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RE: First blast! Any tips/recomendations are welcome - by henke_prytz - 10-01-2018, 03:06 AM

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