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Leg training for FT Tier 1
Thanks for the response
I guess stationary lunges alternating every 4 could be a muscle round exercise, but that sounds just awful haha

After rereading the sections: I have been overly focusing on beating the logbook on pump sets, which I guess is useful to make sure I'm not quitting early, but I should probably focus on the pump more. In my first few attempts I tended to push hard for full range failure, but I need to focus on extending the set - Will take some fortitude!

Also re. Muscle rounds, I just picked 3 exercises, I didn't consider the option of hammering away at the same exercise... Since I just starting this style of training and using new exercises I guess it is easy(er) for me to beat the logbook, so if I hammered away or only rotated 2 instead of 3 then I'd get them up as fast as possible, and then could introduce more? It seems if I go to tier 2 I'll need a lot more exercises in the pool, but for now I don't need as many.

Thanks for the notes on the stretching also. Some days I tried to throw in a quick quad stretch before the load set of hamstrings so I could stretch both with a pump... and I think my legs are making a lot of improvements so I hope to keep that going. For tier 1 there isn't really any other time where you'd need to break up a rest period to stretch. I guess it is possible to need to do the opposite, say stretch chest after training delts or triceps, but I haven't felt that need because the exercises I have chosen for delts don't involve the chest much.

FYI, Lately I have been feeling like a bit of an ass when I do loading exercises, for not unloading the weights whilst I do the next 2 sets and stretch Smile I read that you count rest periods when you're actually resting (not changing weights) but in my case since I'm just doing tier 1 I don't need to change weights (I can set up the 3 exercises usually for all warmups etc). I guess, ideally, pack it all up after stretching, but if there are others around I can quickly pack up (a minute or so) and then start the rest period. It means the rest period may be a bit longer on some days than others.

Messages In This Thread
Leg training for FT Tier 1 - by tmcg86 - 11-01-2014, 04:48 PM
RE: Leg training for FT Tier 1 - by tmcg86 - 11-02-2014, 09:53 AM
RE: Leg training for FT Tier 1 - by tmcg86 - 11-02-2014, 09:51 PM

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