02-05-2016, 01:50 AM
(02-04-2016, 08:19 PM)Doc D Wrote: The symptoms sound very much like patello-femoral syndrome. Is there obtrusive crepitus?
In addition to above advice, pay particular attention to gluteus medius - one can self-massage it deeply. Tightness here can cause all kinds of tracking problems. Posterior tibialis can also cwreak havoc. Both of these are easier to address with massage etc. than it is to implement the standard advice of strengthening VMO (Petersen stepups etc.)
Another tip: try wearing lifting shoes (i.e. with solid sole) when training 'quads', although not necessarily ones with high heel. The rest of the time, as much as possible, stay as close to barefoot as possible (e.g. barefoot where socially acceptable, Vibram FiveFingers in gym, Vivo Barefoot shoes for walking around etc.) in order to strengthen feet from the ground up. This can make a huge difference.
I took the cartilage off back of patella when my knee dislocated 20+ years ago, so feel your pain quite literally!
I´m sorry English is not my first language, so don´t know what your asking me, tried to google it, but didn´t get any smarter.
But thanks for your suggestions, shoes are out of the question though, can´t bring much more weight out here in my bags.