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Help Fortitude Training Routine
This is my Fortitude Training Turbo Tier 1 Template:

Day 1 : Upper Loading/Lower Pump A

Wide Grip Pullups 2 x 6-12
Smith Bench Press Incline 1 x 6-12
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 1 x 6-12
Machine Leg Press 1 x 15-25
Machine Leg Ext superset w/ Leg Curl lying 1 x 15-25
Machine Calf Raise (standing) 1 x 15-25

Day 2 : Lower Loading/Upper Pump A

Barbell Squat 1 x 6-12
Machine Leg Ext. 1 x 6-12
Leg Curl lying 1 x 6-12
Adductors 1 x RP (AMRAP)
Machine Calf Raise (standing) 2 x 6-12
Incline Machine Press superset w/ Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 1 x 15-25
Cable Lateral Raise superset w/ Ab Crunch Decline 1 x 15-25
Cable Hammer Curl superset w/ Cuff Pushdown 1 x 15-25

Day 1 : Upper Loading/Lower Pump B

Rack Pulls 2 x 6-12
Barbell Bench Press Incline 1 x 6-12
Smith Shoulder Press 1 x 6-12
Machine Leg Press 1 x 15-25
Machine Leg Ext superset w/ Leg Curl lying 1 x 15-25
Machine Calf Raise (standing) 1 x 15-25

Day 2 : Lower Loading/Upper Pump B

Machine Leg Press 1 x 6-12
Uniliteral Machine Leg Ext. 1 x 6-12
Romanian Deadlift 1 x 6-12
Adductors 1 x RP (AMRAP)
Machine Calf Raise (seated) 2 x 6-12
Incline Machine Press superset w/ Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 1 x 15-25
Cable Lateral Raise superset w/ Ab Crunch Decline 1 x 15-25
Cable Hammer Curl superset w/ Cuff Pushdown 1 x 15-25

Day 1 : Upper Loading/Lower Pump C

Lat Pulldown Close underhand Grip 2 x 6-12
Incline Machine Press 1 x 6-12
Machine Shoulder Press 1 x 6-12
Machine Leg Press 1 x 15-25
Machine Leg Ext superset w/ Leg Curl lying 1 x 15-25
Machine Calf Raise (seated) 1 x 15-25

Day 2 : Lower Loading/Upper Pump C

Squat Machine 1 x 6-12
Close Stance Leg Press 1 x 6-12
Feet High Ham Leg Press 1 x 6-12
Adductors 1 x RP (AMRAP)
Machine Calf Raise (seated) 1 x 6-12
Incline Machine Press superset w/ Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 1 x 15-25
Cable Lateral Raise superset w/ Ab Crunch Decline 1 x 15-25
Cable Hammer Curl superset w/ Cuff Pushdown 1 x 15-25

Day 3 : Muscle Rounds 1

Cable Row 1 x Muscle Rounds
Cable Pullover 1 x Muscle Rounds
Pec Deck 1 x Muscle Rounds
Cable Front Raise 1 x Muscle Rounds
Leg Curl lying 1 x Muscle Rounds
Machine Calf Raise (seated) 1 x Muscle Rounds
Adductors 1 x RP (AMRAP)
Cable OH Tricep Ext. 1 x 15-25
Machine Bicep Curl 1 x 15-25
Ab Crunch Decline 1 x 15-25
Day 4 : Muscle Rounds 2

Machine Leg Press 1 x Muscle Rounds
Machine Leg Ext. 1 x 15-25
Leg Curl (Lying) 1 x 15-25
Machine Calf Raise (standing) 1 x Muscle Rounds
Lat Pulldown Wide Grip 1 x Muscle Rounds
Cable Flyes 1 x Muscle Rounds
Cable Lateral Raise 1 x Muscle Rounds
Ez Bar Cable Curl 1 x 15-25

What do you think? Anything I could improve / do better?

♛ Мишка ♛
Asking a specific question about your setup to clarify confusion will be a better way to get feedback.

Asking what you're asking is essentially like saying, "I've chosen butterscotch ice cream b/c it's what I like. Can I improve on that?..."

How you set up our FT program, presuming you've decided to and are are sticking with how I've laid things out, is largely up to you. This looks like you've just taken the program and put in exercises, which is fine. THere's nothing really to provide feedback on (and it's really kind of a tedious task to go through exercise x exercise)...


Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
I just wanted to know if your program is supposed to be like that.
If it is set up the right way.
If the exercise selection is "good" (optimal), or if I could train anything else / better exercise selection.

Sorry for my bad English - I come from Germany.
Could not find your book in German tho, that's why I struggle to understand everything to a Tee.
(07-31-2019, 11:11 PM)TankDawg Wrote: I just wanted to know if your program is supposed to be like that.
If it is set up the right way.
If the exercise selection is "good" (optimal), or if I could train anything else / better exercise selection.

Sorry for my bad English - I come from Germany.
Could not find your book in German tho, that's why I struggle to understand everything to a Tee.

Du persönlich wählst die Übungen.

Du hast nicht gemerkt wo / ob Du zig-zag'en wirst (Loading Sets)

Wie man Pump Sets macht, ist auch eine persönliche Wahl, u. nicht nur "15-25" Wh. sein.

Ich könnte weiter schreiben, aber, leider, ohne eine spezifische Frage, was Du hier geschrieben hast ist eigentlich so generisch, daß niemand wissen kann was Du echt verstehst oder / und was Du mit Zweck gewählt hast.

Z.B. Du has "6-12" Wiederholungen für alle Loading Sätze geschrieben u. (be Tier I) heißt das auch AMRAP. Für adductors has you "AMRAP" geschrieben, aber die Wiederholungen sind nicht gleich. Das kann man einfach auf den "Overview Sheets" lesen, aber wir wissen nicht ob Du das weißt. Ich könnte eine große Menge von solchen Fragen stellen, aber das wäre richtig ein Zeitverschwendung sein, gel?...


Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Ich bin auch aus Deutschland, ergo kann ich dir gerne bei inhaltlichen bzw sprachlichen Schwierigkeiten helfen oder "vermitteln" Smile
(08-05-2019, 07:56 PM)apmulapmu Wrote: Ich bin auch aus Deutschland, ergo kann ich dir gerne bei inhaltlichen bzw sprachlichen Schwierigkeiten helfen oder "vermitteln" Smile

Danke sehr!!!


Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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