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FT Questions....
(01-11-2017, 12:30 AM)B_Forge Wrote: Quick question for Scott or any FT veterans. How does one go about autoregulating training days with FT? For example, for me I struggle with sleep some nights getting around 7 instead of 8 or more which would be more optimal from a recovery perspective.

If I have a poor sleep the night before a training day, would it be best to perform a tier 1 MR day instead of a planned loading day to decrease the CNS stress of that session? Or are they about equal in that regards? Or in that situation would it be best to take the day off of training entirely and train the following day?

Obviously addressing the sleep is paramount and I'm working on it!

Do you notice less recovery with 7 compared to 8+ hours?

I'm not an expert, only on my second blast... but if you feel good I'd say go for the loading. I always get 7 during the week, so i guess I'm just used to the minimum.

Hi guys, another quick question regarding the 3 day routine. I did not find an answer to this in the ebook.
Below the routine sheet of the 3-day plan, it says:
**Tier II: Do greater # of sets for back thickness / width as needed.

Can you guys comment on this ? Is this for Pump sets, MR or Loading sets ? Or every set type?
And what is you experience with it? Have you added a specific number of sets every time you are on tier II ?

Kind regards
(01-11-2017, 10:34 PM)morpheus2112 Wrote: Hi guys, another quick question regarding the 3 day routine. I did not find an answer to this in the ebook.
Below the routine sheet of the 3-day plan, it says:
**Tier II: Do greater # of sets for back thickness / width as needed.

Can you guys comment on this ? Is this for Pump sets, MR or Loading sets ? Or every set type?
And what is you experience with it? Have you added a specific number of sets every time you are on tier II ?

Kind regards

The notes next to each symbol (^, **,‡, etc.) in the Legend refer specifically to the part of the Overview sheet where that symbol is found.

For example, where you see "^" in the Overview sheet, you would refer to the Legend below where it says, "^ You choice to do a....." for more information as to how to carry out that part of the workout.

The notes in the legend apply where the matching symbol is found in the Overview sheet.



Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
(01-12-2017, 01:17 AM)Scott Stevenson Wrote: The notes next to each symbol (^, **,‡, etc.) in the Legend refer specifically to the part of the Overview sheet where that symbol is found.

For example, where you see "^" in the Overview sheet, you would refer to the Legend below where it says, "^ You choice to do a....." for more information as to how to carry out that part of the workout.

The notes in the legend apply where the matching symbol is found in the Overview sheet.


Hi Scott, thank you for answering. I know what the legend means but the 2 star symbol ** is explained in the legend but not used in the routine sheet itself on page 127. But i think this means i can ignore it regarding the, 3 day plan right? Because on page 103, the 4day basic version i see the symbol next to the Muscle rounds for Back.
Kind regards
(01-12-2017, 01:36 AM)morpheus2112 Wrote: Hi Scott, thank you for answering. I know what the legend means but the 2 star symbol ** is explained in the legend but not used in the routine sheet itself on page 127. But i think this means i can ignore it regarding the, 3 day plan right? Because on page 103, the 4day basic version i see the symbol next to the Muscle rounds for Back.
Kind regards

Ah, OK.

The Family Man plan was an example that I made for a specific person.

As it says on p. 126, just modify as you like for your physique. Smile (Note that the FM Plan is UPPER body focus, which might not suit your physique goals.)

If you need more width vs. thickness, do more width MRs.


Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
(01-11-2017, 12:44 AM)Scott Stevenson Wrote: The notion is to "auto" regulate. That means only you can answer it.

I'd seek out a way to improve your sleep, perhaps by setting aside more time to sleep or using a sleep aid.

Lastly, I think you're probably overthinking this. I can't think of any bodybuilder who was determined overall who would bat an eye at what to do when / if he has was just an hour shy of a full nights sleep.

If you were at the emergency room and got 2 hr of crappy sleep, then taking the day off would definitely be a reasonable solution, or perhaps if you chronically only get 4hr sleep and on one particular day you are just totally beat it would make sense to drop down a Tier.

I'm not you and perhaps that one hour of missed sleep is entirely disruptive, my perspective, as someone who's gone years training in the middle of the night or at 4AM, which chronically sleep deprived, b/c it was this or nothing is that an hour of missed sleep here and there is just a common inconvenience of life and can easily be made up the next night or even with a nap later that day if one's crafty about it.


Yes you are right. Definitely overthinking it, as that is something I tend to do, and just need to suck it up and train hard. Ended up doing my loading session yesterday and PR'd almost every exercise I did lol. I do notice a difference in my recovery with less sleep obviously, but overanalyzing it definitely does not help and it's not a substantial difference. Will continue to work on it, but your right in that I should not let it disrupt my training and progression.

Thanks guys!
(01-12-2017, 11:36 AM)B_Forge Wrote: Yes you are right. Definitely overthinking it, as that is something I tend to do, and just need to suck it up and train hard. Ended up doing my loading session yesterday and PR'd almost every exercise I did lol. I do notice a difference in my recovery with less sleep obviously, but overanalyzing it definitely does not help and it's not a substantial difference. Will continue to work on it, but your right in that I should not let it disrupt my training and progression.

Thanks guys!

Right on, man. (Congrats on the good session. I find that that sometimes happens when I'm feeling less than 100% - that it kind of switches in the high gear to get it done.)

So, yes, very important idea to keep recovery in mind, but I'd not sweat an hour or so here and there. Smile


Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
(01-13-2017, 01:42 AM)Scott Stevenson Wrote: Right on, man. (Congrats on the good session. I find that that sometimes happens when I'm feeling less than 100% - that it kind of switches in the high gear to get it done.)

So, yes, very important idea to keep recovery in mind, but I'd not sweat an hour or so here and there. Smile


Thanks Scott. I know you have spoke in other threads about the use of the True Nutrition Sleep Aid to help. It's quite expensive for me to ship it to Canada, so i'm just wondering if you have any other recommendations for sleep aids and ingredients that would help, especially with staying asleep for longer periods of time, as I tend to wake up very early. I currently take magnesium and zinc before bed, as well as Ashwaghanda if i'm feeling beat up after a hard training session. I've taken Valerian on and off as well before bed.

Thanks for your time!
(01-13-2017, 02:09 AM)B_Forge Wrote: Thanks Scott. I know you have spoke in other threads about the use of the True Nutrition Sleep Aid to help. It's quite expensive for me to ship it to Canada, so i'm just wondering if you have any other recommendations for sleep aids and ingredients that would help, especially with staying asleep for longer periods of time, as I tend to wake up very early. I currently take magnesium and zinc before bed, as well as Ashwaghanda if i'm feeling beat up after a hard training session. I've taken Valerian on and off as well before bed.

Thanks for your time!

There seems to bee a good bit of variety as to what works for different folks, so you'll really have to experiment.
Melatonin makes some groggy the next day, others not. L-Theanine, L-Tryptophan and GABA help some. Some just like a nice cup of Chamomile tea.

Also, taking in a larger percentage of your daily your carbohydrate before bed can help, too.

I'd also be sure you don't have apnea... (I can follow up on that if needed.)


Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Hi Scott I had a question regarding loading exercise selection for my "C" rotation. I'm using FT as a 12 week off season phase for my powerlifting, and was wondering for a thigh compound movement would you recommend a 2-3s pause squat, 3-5s eccentric and concentric tempo squat, smith machine squat or front squat, or a second squat day to fill out my rotation? My first two loading weeks are leg press and squat.
I would assume your answer would be whatever you think is going to help you the most, but in this situation I think they all could help me, I just want to pick the movement that would best fit in your style of programming, and not make this too too much of a hybrid, while still having some carryover to my powerlifting form and success (as mentioned in my other thread I'm having some problem maintaining tightness in my squats resulting in lots of shifting and twisting at the moment, hence the selection of the exercises above)
Might be hard to answer given this information, but any info you have or clarifying questions would be appreciated
By the way I'm in my 2nd week so far and loving it! Really learning how far concentric muscular failure really is down the line, and learning to embrace the pain and push myself harder than ever before!

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