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Sussing out FT
Hi! I have bought and read the ebook (once!) and will go through a couple more times before I suss out my first workout options.

It has probably been asked a million times but I am a volume guy, years doing a high volume bro split but recently been doing Layne Nortons PHAT which means body parts twice a week and I have thrived on it but again the volume is high!

Would I be a good candidate for starting on say Tier 2 of the basic rather than Tier 1, I just cant help but look at Tier 1 and think its not enough !!
haha, It has been asked a million times Wink

I can tell you, Scott's recommendation, will be to start a Tier 1 for a number of reasons. I agree that Tier 1 doesn't look like much on paper. But think of it as a challenge. It's YOUR object to make it into something hard. FT is a lot about getting the most out of the least and intensity. Make the week starting off AS HARD as you can. Then figure out if you can / need to move up in volume. The pump sets and the MRs I'm sure are going to be unique training stimulus, and you'll get some gainz out of them I'm sure

I think also that FT can be a bit of a learning curve. A lot of folks start logs on here and get a lot of that basics wrong. Zig-Zagging, how to do MRs, how to do pump sets, etc. It's good to start maybe a little slow, make sure you're 100% confidant in what you re doing and then move forward. Best of luck
Altamir is dead on (per usual Smile ).

Really, though, only 1 week at Tier I won't hurt ya, as you can move up after a week.

A LOT of guys have made great gains with just Tier I. One of the best gainers (he goes by TinyTim on - you may know of him masonator?...) used Tier I throughout most of our time training together.

Training volume simply doesn't make up for a lack of intensity of effort. Smile (No aspersions cast!)


Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Ok I take the points! I guess I have to start somewhere so Tier 1 it is! I will have a think about it the session plan and post on here for critique if that's ok?
(04-12-2016, 02:16 AM)masonator Wrote: Ok I take the points! I guess I have to start somewhere so Tier 1 it is! I will have a think about it the session plan and post on here for critique if that's ok?


Take a look a the threads already started about this, as well as the FT journals. Lots to go by in there. Smile


Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
I can't see FT journals anywhere? I am working my way through that t nation thread which is great and I know of Pscarb and I think TinyTim used to go by another name on forums but I know they are old school and have tried it all so their endorsement means a lot Smile
(04-12-2016, 06:55 PM)masonator Wrote: I can't see FT journals anywhere? I am working my way through that t nation thread which is great and I know of Pscarb and I think TinyTim used to go by another name on forums but I know they are old school and have tried it all so their endorsement means a lot Smile

Hey Bud!

You're good to go with the subscription that comes with the book and that gives you access to the rest of the board. (I upgrade a lot of folks these days and didn't remember I hadn't for you.)

[Anyone reading who has bought the book and not PM'ed me with their transaction # to get free subscriber status, please do so!]

(T Nation or T muscle?... Smile )

Yes, both those guys are awesome people. Smile


Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Lol t muscle!! Arghhhh ! And thanks mate Smile
(04-13-2016, 01:19 AM)masonator Wrote: Lol t muscle!! Arghhhh ! And thanks mate Smile

You got it!


Thanks for joining my Forum! dog

The above and all material posted by Scott Stevenson are Copyright © Scott W. Stevenson and Evlogia QiWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
I have a couple of quick questions I hope you don't mind me asking?!

In preparation, I need to decide upon 3 compound exercises for the various body parts for loading purposes. Ie: Thighs might be Safety bar squat / back squat / 45deg leg press and I would then rotate these week by week? So lower loading week 1 may be 1 failure set of safety squat then obv quad, ham etc then the following week would be back squat to failure and so on.

Does this mean I am trying to progress in a particular lift only once every 3 weeks?

Warm ups - Obv I would warm up as much as I need to safely lift the main set but would you still be warming up on pump exercises and also muscle round days?

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